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for West Virginia
Injury Victims


Safety Tips for Passing a Car Accident Scene

Published on Feb 11, 2022 at 4:55 pm in Car Accidents.

Backed up traffic

Each year in the United States, roughly 300 people lose their lives in stopped vehicle accidents, according to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS). Every driver must do their part to ensure those who have already been in a car accident are not further injured or killed by passing traffic.

How Long Does It Take to Get Settlement Money?

Published on Jan 21, 2022 at 1:24 pm in Personal Injury.

Person signing document

You and your lawyer have worked together to reach a settlement after your car accident or other type of personal injury case. But after your personal injury case has been settled, you may be asking: How long does it take to get a settlement payment? The answer to how long it takes to get money after a case is settled will depend on several factors. While rough estimates usually put the amount of time to receive settlement money around four to six weeks after a case it settled, the amount of time leading up to settlement will also vary. There are multiple factors to consider when asking how long it takes to get a settlement check.

Why Are Overloaded Trucks So Dangerous?

Published on Jan 6, 2022 at 4:52 pm in Truck Accidents.

semi truck on road

No motorist wants to get in the way of a tractor-trailer truck. They’re much bigger than anything that most people will ever drive. Consequently, a collision with a tractor-trailer truck can cause a lot of damage. Typically, drivers of tractor-trailer trucks are the safest drivers on the road. A lot of hard work goes into becoming certified to drive a tractor-trailer truck, and the majority of companies make their drivers take drug tests.

How to File a Bad Faith Insurance Claim

Published on Dec 17, 2021 at 9:40 am in Commercial Litigation.

people working on forms and laptops

Insurance policyholders in West Virginia enter into insurance contracts with their insurance companies with the expectation that the companies will pay for property damage and personal injuries under certain circumstances as long as the policyholders keep up with their premiums. Insurance companies have a duty to uphold their contractual obligations when their insureds fulfill their end of the bargain by making timely premium payments. Unfortunately, however, some insurance companies aggressively try to avoid paying claims by exercising bad faith to unfairly deny or delay valid claims. When this occurs, a policyholder has the right to pursue a bad faith insurance claim against the insurance company to recover damages.

Safety Tips for Driving Through Construction Zones

Published on Dec 9, 2021 at 1:11 pm in Car Accidents.

Road closed, no left turn, and wrong way road signs

Between 2011-2016, more than 3,300 people died when driving in construction zones. Most of these crashes occur on roads with speed limits that are higher than 50. It’s common for drivers to maintain a high speed while driving in a construction zone, which can be dangerous and increase the risk of an accident. If you want to lessen your risk of being involved in a construction zone accident, the following offers helpful safety tips and guidelines that should bolster your safety while on the road.

How Does a Truck’s Underride Function During an Accident?

Published on Dec 3, 2021 at 10:28 am in Truck Accidents.

Truck guard next to guide rail

Truck underride accidents occur when a small vehicle crashes into the back or sides of the cargo area of a large truck, typically an 18-wheeler. Underride accidents remain one of the most dangerous types of collisions you can possibly have. According to the latest data from the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, an organization that collects data on automobile accidents, 3,436 deaths were linked to underride accidents in 2019.

How Long Does a Wrongful Death Case Take?

Published on Nov 18, 2021 at 12:38 pm in Wrongful Death.

Man in suit carrying notebook

As wrongful death attorneys with experience helping families recover after the unexpected loss of a loved one, we know there are many questions and uncertainties about the legal process. Filing a wrongful death claim can be intimidating, and often leaves families asking: How long does a wrongful death case take? It’s not an overstatement to say that every case is unique, and assigning an exact timeframe to a wrongful death case in some ways puts it at a disadvantage for a successful outcome. This is a complicated legal process that could take several months or years, depending on the circumstances.

Car Seat Laws in West Virginia

Published on Nov 17, 2021 at 3:42 pm in Car Accidents.

Baby in car seat

Car accidents are a leading cause of death for children 13 and under. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics show that one out of every three children killed in a vehicle crash was not properly secured in a car seat. Deaths as preventable as these should not be allowed to occur. It takes the work of adults to make sure that children are kept safe in vehicles on the road.

How Often Should You Change Wiper Blades?

Published on Nov 17, 2021 at 2:57 pm in Car Accidents.

Wiper blades on windshield

Windshield wipers perform the essential service of clearing water, debris, dirt, dust, and precipitation from the windscreens of our cars. Although it’s a very simple act of car maintenance, you can actually prevent accidents by changing your windshield wiper blades regularly.

Is Road Cycling Dangerous?

Published on Nov 10, 2021 at 4:16 pm in Bicycle Accidents.

Is Road Cycling Dangerous

The benefits of using a bicycle for transportation are abundant. Fresh air. Exercise. Decreased stress levels. Reduced carbon footprint. A closer connection with the local community. Better heart and lung health. Enjoyment of the surrounding scenery. Efficiency. Improved navigational skills.

But those who take their bicycles on roads heavily populated by cars should rightly wonder: Is road cycling dangerous? There’s no doubt that a bicycle is highly vulnerable when surrounded by vehicles roughly 100 times its size in weight. A 20-pound open-air machine is no match for one ton of enclosed metal. There are certainly many dangers to cyclists on roadways. But riding a bike is statistically much safer than driving a car—only about 2% of vehicle crash deaths each year are bicyclists.